Core Strategy

Newham is preparing a Core Strategy - a new spatial plan for the Borough. It will form the overarching development plan in the Local Development Framework and will set out the long-term spatial vision and spatial policies for the Borough.The Core Strategy will be key to delivering the Council's Sustainable Community Strategy and implement parts of the London Plan, such as housing and employment targets.
Where are we now?
A consultation on the Issues and Options stage of the Core strategy took place in early 2008. The feedback received from this consultation - including submitted comments and feedback from surveys - has been examined and we have published a consultation report, which can be viewed below. In addition, comments made during the consultation can be viewed on the Newham LDF Consultation Portal.
What happens next?
The Council is preparing the next stage of the Core Strategy, which will present policy options. Further consultation will take place at this stage.
Issues and Options
A six week consultation on the Issues and Options of the Core Strategy was held between 15 February 2008 and 28 March 2008, during which time exhibitions were held across the Borough. The consultation sought views on what are the most important issues for the Borough and presented three spatial options for the Borough's development: prioritising employment, prioritising mixed use and prioritising housing. The Issues and Options documents can be viewed below.
Evidence Base
In order to develop the Core Strategy it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the issues facing the Borough. We are developing a range of background studies that will inform the emerging Local Development Framework. These reports form the 'evidence base' of the LDF and will be made available on the LDF evidence base page become available.
Earlier Preferred Options
In 2006 Council prepared and consulted on the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy, the second stage of preparing a Core Strategy. This consultation raised a number of new issues and helped us identify some further options that had not been consulted on. Furthermore, new guidance about what a Core Strategy should look like and how it should be prepared emerged after this consultation. As such, it was decided to return to the Issues and Options stage. The 2006 Preferred Options consultation documents below have been withdrawn and can be viewed for information only. The 2008 Issues and Options supersede these documents and we will be developing and consulting on a new options document in due course.
Urban Design and Conservation Team

The Urban Design and Conservation Team provides advice on the design of the built environment, including specific development issues involving conservation areas and listed buildings.
Design excellence is particularly important as Newham is undergoing a physical transformation with some of the most significant regeneration projects in the UK and Europe. Newham seeks to secure the benefits of this regeneration for its residents and has placed design quality at the top of its agenda, championing the highest quality architecture and urban design.
The council also seeks to improve the attractiveness of the borough through the conservation of its historic buildings and spaces, and recognises the value of the historic environment in the creation of sustainable places. There are currently nine conservation areas and 110 listed buildings within the borough. In addition there are around 200 locally listed buildings.
Royal Docks and Thameside West AAP
This will deliver change in a key regeneration area in the south of the Borough.
Newham's historic Royal docks and Thameside West area forms the lower half of Newham's 'Arc of Opportunity' and will play an important role in the Borough's regeneration. The AAP will set out a policy framework for the areas development.
Where are we now?
In 2006 Council prepared and consulted on the Preferred Options for the Royal Docks and Thameside West Area Action Plan, the second stage of preparing an Area Action Plan. This consultation raised a number of new issues and helped us identify some further options that had not been consulted on. Furthermore, new guidance about what an Area Action Plan should look like and how it should be prepared emerged after this consultation. As such, it has been decided to return to the Issues and Options stage.
What happens next?
Council will develop an Issues and Options stage of the Area Action Plan which will present options to develop the document. Consultation will take place at this stage.
Earlier Preferred Options
Consultation on the Preferred Options was held between 8 February and 29 March 2006. The consultation documents below can be viewed for information only. We advise that a new Issues and Options will supersede these documents.
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