Tuesday, 15 November 2011
MA Planning and Design: Manhattan grid extended globally
MA Planning and Design: Manhattan grid extended globally: http://extendny.com/
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
어제는 London Riots였는데 오늘은 UK Riots로 바꼈네
처음엔 경찰총에 맞은 사람때문에 시작된 시위였는데
지금은 그냥 십대들이 떼로 가게 부수고 훔치고 하는 폭동으로 변해버렸어
나 심시티 게임 보고 있는거 같아;;

뉴스가 아주 흥미진진해
폭도들과 맞서는 경찰치곤 너무 수가 적어 없어보여~
경찰들은 없고 십대들은 난리치고
사람들은 사건이 발생했을때는 오지도 않고 방치해 뒀다며
경찰과 시장, PM이랑 우리나라로 치면 구청장; 한테 사람들이 막 따져
경찰이든 구급차든 진짜 안오긴 안와
맨날 시끄럽게 싸이렌만 울리고 다니고
필요하면 한국 경찰들 좀 데려다가 써
엄하게 혼내줄텐데
한국에서 과잉진압하지 말고
영국와서 못된 애들이나 좀 혼내줘
혼나러 나온 잘생긴 구청장 아저씨
아줌마한테 시스템이랑 이것저것 다 불공평하다고
한소리 듣고 충고 고맙다며 악수도 함ㅋ
한국에선 뒷짐지고 구경하고 힘내라고 악수나 했겠지
밤새 걱정 좀 하셨나? 완전 초췌한 런던시장
폭도들이 쓸고 간 지역 갔다가
가게 다 부숴져서 화난 미용실 아줌마한테 혼났어ㅋ
암튼 영국은 진짜 커뮤니티가 강해
서울에선 옆집에 누가 사는지도 모르는데 말이야
여기서도 잘모르지만ㅋ
그래도 길에서 만나면 눈인사나 헬로 정도는 하니깐
런던도 다른지역에서 다른 나라에서 온 사람이 많은데
지역 커뮤니티가 뭔가 끈끈해
폭동을 반대한다며 긍정의 포스트잇 WALL을 지역주민이
스스로 만들어서 시작하기도 하고
트위터로 사람을 모아서 다같이 청소를 시작하기도 하고
(지역 트위터같은거 내 SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY 에세이에 썼었는데ㅋ 봐라! IT WORKS!!)

어떤 아줌마는 폭도들과 맞서서 열띤 연설도 하고
너네들 때문에 나는 해크니사람이라는게 부끄럽데
우리나라에서 이런일이 일어난다고
나는 종로주민인게 부끄럽다 강남주민인게 부끄럽다
이런말을 할까?
아마 집값 떨어진다고 꺼지라고는 하겠지 ㅎㅎ
나 무슨 한국 안티처럼 말했나;;
아무튼간 어린것들은 무서워
당분간 조신하게 집에 박혀서 논문이나 써야징 흠흠
처음엔 경찰총에 맞은 사람때문에 시작된 시위였는데
지금은 그냥 십대들이 떼로 가게 부수고 훔치고 하는 폭동으로 변해버렸어
나 심시티 게임 보고 있는거 같아;;
뉴스가 아주 흥미진진해
폭도들과 맞서는 경찰치곤 너무 수가 적어 없어보여~
경찰들은 없고 십대들은 난리치고
사람들은 사건이 발생했을때는 오지도 않고 방치해 뒀다며
경찰과 시장, PM이랑 우리나라로 치면 구청장; 한테 사람들이 막 따져
경찰이든 구급차든 진짜 안오긴 안와
맨날 시끄럽게 싸이렌만 울리고 다니고

엄하게 혼내줄텐데
한국에서 과잉진압하지 말고
영국와서 못된 애들이나 좀 혼내줘
아줌마한테 시스템이랑 이것저것 다 불공평하다고
한소리 듣고 충고 고맙다며 악수도 함ㅋ
한국에선 뒷짐지고 구경하고 힘내라고 악수나 했겠지
폭도들이 쓸고 간 지역 갔다가
가게 다 부숴져서 화난 미용실 아줌마한테 혼났어ㅋ
암튼 영국은 진짜 커뮤니티가 강해
서울에선 옆집에 누가 사는지도 모르는데 말이야
여기서도 잘모르지만ㅋ
그래도 길에서 만나면 눈인사나 헬로 정도는 하니깐
런던도 다른지역에서 다른 나라에서 온 사람이 많은데
지역 커뮤니티가 뭔가 끈끈해
스스로 만들어서 시작하기도 하고
(지역 트위터같은거 내 SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY 에세이에 썼었는데ㅋ 봐라! IT WORKS!!)
어떤 아줌마는 폭도들과 맞서서 열띤 연설도 하고
너네들 때문에 나는 해크니사람이라는게 부끄럽데
우리나라에서 이런일이 일어난다고
나는 종로주민인게 부끄럽다 강남주민인게 부끄럽다
이런말을 할까?
아마 집값 떨어진다고 꺼지라고는 하겠지 ㅎㅎ
나 무슨 한국 안티처럼 말했나;;
아무튼간 어린것들은 무서워
당분간 조신하게 집에 박혀서 논문이나 써야징 흠흠
Friday, 24 June 2011
Friday, 28 January 2011
Initial idea of thesis
The topic of my unit work is ‘Smart city’. The smart city means smarter than the present cities. In my view, the smart city needs sustainable energy supply system, adaptable community, information exchange, better life such as workplace, leisure and etc.
I want to write about future city elements and urban planning. At first, I will look at famous sustainable, eco or green cities as a case study.
Case 1_Freiburg in Germany
The City of Freiburg is internationally well known for its environmental approach and its extensive use of solar energy and other renewable sources. Freiburg Green City can share experiences gained over many years and showcase a multitude of effective technical and organisational solutions related to sustainable energy management.
The Solar Economic Factor
In terms of both economy and ecology, Freiburg has been most successful in the fields of renewable energy research and marketing. A mere glance at the cityscape makes this clear. Solar panels can be found on the roofs of the Badenova Stadium and the City Hall, on schools, churches and private houses, on facades and towers. Looking further a.eld, wind turbines rise from the Black Forest. With more than 1,800 hours of sunshine each year and an annual radiation intensity of 1,117 kilowatts (kW) per square-meter, Freiburg is one of the sunniest cities in Germany.
Case2_Kitakyushu in Japan
From a 'Gray City' to a 'Green City'
In the 1960s, Japan achieved rapid economic progress, in which Kitakyushu developed into one of the four largest industrial zones in Japan. However, the air and water were polluted; Dokai Bay was highly contaminated by industrial and domestic wastewater.
In 1971, prior to establishment of the Environmental Agency by the national government, the city of Kitakyushu founded the Environmental Pollution Control Bureau (currently the Environmental Bureau). The City established 'The City of Kitakyushu Pollution Control Ordinance,' which was more stringent than the national laws - in addition to other regulations - and enforced a series of effective measures against major companies in the city, including the execution of agreements to prevent pollution. In addition, we drove forward a large-scale urban greening movement in accordance with the 'Green Kitakyushu Plan.'
These measures to prevent pollution and preserve the environment, together with residents' environmental protection efforts, yielded good results, considerably improving Kitakyushu's environment. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) introduced Kitakyushu's improved environment to the world as the example of city transformed from a 'Gray city' to a 'Green city'.
Contributing to the world through environmental preservation technologies
The City of Kitakyushu is engaged in diverse activities to improve the environment by making use of the City's experience and technologies in pollution control, energy efficiency improvement, knowledge accumulated through the process of overcoming past severe environmental contamination. Moreover, through international cooperation, the City has accepted 4,052 international trainees in total (as of March 2005) from 143 countries, and has dispatched specialists to other countries.
Then, I will look at planning cities in recent years
New Songdo in Korea
Songdo IBD is being developed on 1,500 acres of reclaimed land in South Korea along Incheon's waterfront, 40 miles from Seoul and just 7 miles from Incheon International Airport. Developed by Gale International and Korea's POSCO E&C, this master-planned metropolis is a model of sustainable, city-scale development and innovation. The first phase of the new international city opened in August 2009.
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox, an international architectural practice recognized for design excellence and innovation in their buildings throughout the world, the 100 million square foot master plan includes commercial office space, residences, retail shops, hotels as well as civic and cultural facilities.
Dongtan in China
Dongtan will be a city of three villages that meet to form a city centre. The first demonstrator phase of Dongtan aims to be completed by 2010, in time for the World Expo in Shanghai, and will accommodate a population of up to 5,000. Later phases of development will see the city grow to hold a population of around 80,000 by 2020 and up to 500,000 by 2050.
The delicate nature of the Dongtan wetlands adjacent to the site has been one of the driving factors of the city's design. We plan to protect and enhance the existing wetlands by returning agricultural land to a wetland state creating a 'buffer-zone' between the city and the mudflats - at its narrowest point, this 'buffer-zone' will be 3.5 kilometres wide.
I want to write about future city elements and urban planning. At first, I will look at famous sustainable, eco or green cities as a case study.
Case 1_Freiburg in Germany
The City of Freiburg is internationally well known for its environmental approach and its extensive use of solar energy and other renewable sources. Freiburg Green City can share experiences gained over many years and showcase a multitude of effective technical and organisational solutions related to sustainable energy management.
The Solar Economic Factor
In terms of both economy and ecology, Freiburg has been most successful in the fields of renewable energy research and marketing. A mere glance at the cityscape makes this clear. Solar panels can be found on the roofs of the Badenova Stadium and the City Hall, on schools, churches and private houses, on facades and towers. Looking further a.eld, wind turbines rise from the Black Forest. With more than 1,800 hours of sunshine each year and an annual radiation intensity of 1,117 kilowatts (kW) per square-meter, Freiburg is one of the sunniest cities in Germany.
Case2_Kitakyushu in Japan
From a 'Gray City' to a 'Green City'
In the 1960s, Japan achieved rapid economic progress, in which Kitakyushu developed into one of the four largest industrial zones in Japan. However, the air and water were polluted; Dokai Bay was highly contaminated by industrial and domestic wastewater.
In 1971, prior to establishment of the Environmental Agency by the national government, the city of Kitakyushu founded the Environmental Pollution Control Bureau (currently the Environmental Bureau). The City established 'The City of Kitakyushu Pollution Control Ordinance,' which was more stringent than the national laws - in addition to other regulations - and enforced a series of effective measures against major companies in the city, including the execution of agreements to prevent pollution. In addition, we drove forward a large-scale urban greening movement in accordance with the 'Green Kitakyushu Plan.'
These measures to prevent pollution and preserve the environment, together with residents' environmental protection efforts, yielded good results, considerably improving Kitakyushu's environment. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) introduced Kitakyushu's improved environment to the world as the example of city transformed from a 'Gray city' to a 'Green city'.
Contributing to the world through environmental preservation technologies
The City of Kitakyushu is engaged in diverse activities to improve the environment by making use of the City's experience and technologies in pollution control, energy efficiency improvement, knowledge accumulated through the process of overcoming past severe environmental contamination. Moreover, through international cooperation, the City has accepted 4,052 international trainees in total (as of March 2005) from 143 countries, and has dispatched specialists to other countries.
Then, I will look at planning cities in recent years
New Songdo in Korea
Songdo IBD is being developed on 1,500 acres of reclaimed land in South Korea along Incheon's waterfront, 40 miles from Seoul and just 7 miles from Incheon International Airport. Developed by Gale International and Korea's POSCO E&C, this master-planned metropolis is a model of sustainable, city-scale development and innovation. The first phase of the new international city opened in August 2009.
Designed by Kohn Pedersen Fox, an international architectural practice recognized for design excellence and innovation in their buildings throughout the world, the 100 million square foot master plan includes commercial office space, residences, retail shops, hotels as well as civic and cultural facilities.
Dongtan in China
Dongtan will be a city of three villages that meet to form a city centre. The first demonstrator phase of Dongtan aims to be completed by 2010, in time for the World Expo in Shanghai, and will accommodate a population of up to 5,000. Later phases of development will see the city grow to hold a population of around 80,000 by 2020 and up to 500,000 by 2050.
The delicate nature of the Dongtan wetlands adjacent to the site has been one of the driving factors of the city's design. We plan to protect and enhance the existing wetlands by returning agricultural land to a wetland state creating a 'buffer-zone' between the city and the mudflats - at its narrowest point, this 'buffer-zone' will be 3.5 kilometres wide.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
T26 Manifesto #3
At this point, after the first term, I can understand about the course more clear. I felt that I follow the tasks in the last term. I still did the tasks or essay ineffective way but I try to show my paces in this term. Also, my works were very sporadic so, this term I have to make them well organized works. I need to fix my direction in my work.
The unit trip made me have a confidence and I could understand about the unit works. Also I can get a lot of experience during the MA trip. On the trip, I could visit some English cities and towns what I want to visit. However, I couldn’t see the city in analytical way enough, I think I don’t have enough view and information of England cities. I will do more study about cities in the UK also international cities.
To know the policy and frame works in many borough in London is not easy to me. I want to work in Korea or China after the course so I need to find good policies to apply other sites and compare another country’s policy.
I look forward to new session in the next term which is Economic one and Sustainable one. I think it will be helpful my unit works. Actually the way of CHORA unit is also interesting so I want to study different way of approach the city.
I got a lot of things from the course but, sometimes I disappointed some of my tasks. It is not same as I thinking in my mind. However, the way to solve it is only keep training. I will keep find the my various opinion during the course process rather than result.
The unit trip made me have a confidence and I could understand about the unit works. Also I can get a lot of experience during the MA trip. On the trip, I could visit some English cities and towns what I want to visit. However, I couldn’t see the city in analytical way enough, I think I don’t have enough view and information of England cities. I will do more study about cities in the UK also international cities.
To know the policy and frame works in many borough in London is not easy to me. I want to work in Korea or China after the course so I need to find good policies to apply other sites and compare another country’s policy.
I look forward to new session in the next term which is Economic one and Sustainable one. I think it will be helpful my unit works. Actually the way of CHORA unit is also interesting so I want to study different way of approach the city.
I got a lot of things from the course but, sometimes I disappointed some of my tasks. It is not same as I thinking in my mind. However, the way to solve it is only keep training. I will keep find the my various opinion during the course process rather than result.
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